First Week Assignment:
For this week, the assignment is "build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project". i decided to build my own website using DreamWeaver, because i used to write html codes with this awesome software -in my opinion- and it's user-friendly. I always find it difficult choosing colors and suitable style, so i spent few days checking web pages of Fab Academy 2013 students gathering some ideas hoping to find some kind of help, and it was really helpful.I started working on my website with the help of this cool website http://academy.cba.mit.edu/2013/students/tabuchi.toshiro/index.html
then a friend of mine who is an interior designer gave me some advice about colors and style, so i re-designed my own website.
using bright colors, colors of Fab Lab logo, pictures with blurry effects i finished the first phase of the website.I find it simple and elegant as i planned, so i'm happy with the results.

After that i used Mercurial for uploading the files.
Firstly you need to pull the files to your computer and after that you need to push them to the archives.
